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Feb 7, 2020
Day 7: What if love wasn't
What if LOVE NEVER EXISTED? "If I have the gift of prophecy & can fathom all mysteries & all knowledge, & if I have a faith that can...

Jan 31, 2020
Day 31: God's Love Language
Today is the last day of January. Are you still keeping those NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS? What happens when February rolls in & then turns...

Jan 30, 2020
Day 30: Love Remembered
A day of remembrance~ as this is the day GOD chose for my dad to be born. A day of remembrance~ that my dad is with GOD. A bitter sweet...

Jan 29, 2020
Day 29: He Promises
I started 2020 with FASTING from "myself"~ instead of making RESOLUTIONS as I am never able to keep them because they are PROMISES to...

Jan 28, 2020
Day 28: Living Unleashed
I pick at food. I pick myself apart. I pick at my sin. I focus on how I fall short~ not only of my expectations But of GOD'S...

Jan 27, 2020
Day 27: Enough is Enough
ONCE UPON A TIME . . . "A king was suffering from a painful ailment & was told that the only cure for him was to find a contented man,...

Jan 26, 2020
Day 26: Remembered forever
Yesterday we REMEMBERED our uncle at his "Celebration of Life" As a musician, the piano was played with his .favorite songs. As a...

Jan 25, 2020
Day 25: Abundant Hope
TODAY is the day~ not tomorrow or the next day~ Right now. No more RESOLUTIONS because this is a REVELATION~ "A communicated Divine...

Jan 24, 2020
Day 24: Be Unfamiliar
It is UNFAMILIAR~ This computer I am using, because it isn't MINE and I am used to MINE~ but MINE is being fixed. I like MINE because it...

Jan 23, 2020
Day 23: Fly Free
Do you ever wonder~ "Will I ever be the SAME again" after something happens that challenges you not to be the SAME as you where~ yet you...
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