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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 35: Perfect Peace

It happens.

It will happen to you


It will happen to me.

No one is exempt,

yet when it happens we stand in shock

as the world seems to stop~


You want to run and hide,

but you can't because

it is so real

so unbelievably real

that you have to stop

because in a way

the world has stopped

for all that grieve.


as long as we have breath

we will have death

we will have mourning


we will always have


who will

comfort us in the midst of sorrow.

HE give us our next breath when we can't seem to find it.

HE walks with us even when we can't seem to put our foot on the ground.


because that is who HE IS.

even when we don't believe it

yet we choose to BELIEVE because that is all we have left~

“LORD, I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)

And then it happens,

yet we are suddenly surprised



fills us to the brim~

that takes away the

sting of sorrow & grief & death~

because it is an unnatural kind of PEACE

that you never thought you could ever feel in the midst of great sorrow.

It isn't a happy happy joy joy kind of a PEACE that is fleeting.

It is a PEACE that keeps you going when you don't want to keep on going.

It is a PEACE that reminds you that you are not alone.

It is a PEACE that pierces your heart in a way that you know that

it isn't something that you created.


that is available to each of us

in every circumstance

especially in these grieving moments when

PEACE seems impossible~



can't be manufactured

no matter how hard we try to produce it or fake that it is there.

It takes such a great step of


to look up when you want to look down

because the pain is too unbearable to face.


"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid"( Matthew 14:27)

and take the bold step to run into the arms of




in the midst of the unbelievable

for HIS PEACE that transcends all understanding because it is


in the midst~

"Peace I leave with you; MY [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let MY perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]" (John 14:27)

May HIS PEACE overwhelm every grieving soul

today, tomorrow, always~

"YOU will keep in perfect peace all who trust in YOU,

all whose thoughts are fixed on YOU!" (Isaiah 26:3).

"MY PRAYER FOR YOU" (listen to the song below)

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