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Feb 15, 2024
Day 2: Stance Of Humility
Are you ready to LOSE another POUND as we continue our Today 40 DAY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY~ when we will LOSE A POUND A DAY~ those pesky...
Feb 14, 2024
Day 1: All You Need Is Love
You see the CHOCOLATE. You know it is FILLEDÂ with something, yet the something is hidden inside. What would you do? Would you take a bite...
Apr 12, 2020
Day 40: He Did It
There was Grief. There was Fear. There was Doubt. There had to be because HE said HE was the SAVIOR~ And they BELIEVED HIM. BUT then...
Apr 11, 2020
Day 38: Be Waitless
The WAITING room is filled. You arrive early & so does everyone else. You start the WAIT. Tick. Tick. Tick. You are still WAITING as...
Apr 10, 2020
Day 38: A Good Friday
A day WITHOUT JESUS is a day WITHOUT~ WITHOUT Peace WITHOUT Hope WITHOUT Joy & WITH Total separation from GOD~ complete Darkness. The...
Apr 9, 2020
Day 37: Cry Out
FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) we are told BUT what if you are too afraid to fix your eyes on HIM because doubt overcomes your...
Apr 8, 2020
Day 36: The courage of Faith
It makes you take a step forward when you want to go backwards It makes you face the unfamiliar when you would rather touch what is...
Apr 7, 2020
Day 35: Perfect Peace
It happens. It will happen to you & It will happen to me. No one is exempt, yet when it happens we stand in shock as the world seems to...
Apr 5, 2020
Day 33: Blessed Are You
Oh how they greeted HIM as they waved PALM branches as HE~ THE KING OF THE JEWS rode into town on a donkey. Yup~ A KING riding on a...
Apr 4, 2020
Day 32: Take Courage
IMMEDIATELY~ At once. Instantly. Not in a moment. Not in a second. Not even "let me think about it". IMMEDIATELY~ "without delay or...
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