I figured out my problem
as I haven't been feeling like myself
as I feel as if JOY has been missing.
And as I look at my CHRISTMAS tree,
that is asking to be disassembled,
I don't want to
as I see the BABY JESUS as the main guest.
I see JOY.
The CHRISTMAS season is usually a distraction
for me as the grown up JESUS seems to get lost in
all the falalaling
as everyone is waiting for the BIG DAY.
Then the BIG DAY comes.
JOY comes in the morning,
but then what,
as CHRISTMAS was in the air since the first decorations
lined the stores shelves and internet in September,
that provides a NEW FOCUS,
or distraction,
as everyone is focused on the holiday season.
A great anticipation and expectation is BIRTHED in the air.
It still remains until the clock strikes 12 as we welcome in the NEW YEAR
and then it happens,
The world stops.
Just waiting for the next BIG DAY
as CHRISTMAS gets packed away.
I picture HIM sitting on my sofa
just waiting for me,
as HE looks at me and
why is my JOY gone.
Was I trying too hard to make JESUS the main guest of CHRISTMAS
that I actually forgot about HIM?
Now that was hard to write
especially coming from a JESUS freak,
but it is true.
I miss JESUS.
I seemed to put BIG JESUS
away through CHRISTMAS
and I want HIM back.
But I sense it all around me
as the falalala is gone from most people
as they have moved onto the next thing
about how to get through the winter.
And HE speaks
HE asks me to look at HIM
and I turn my head the other way.
I feel like HE left me.
BUT JESUS has never left.
It all makes sense in this moment
as the CHRISTMAS season
is a distraction for me
from my BIG JESUS.
HE is my JOY.
HE is my PEACE.
HE is my HOPE.
HE is my LOVE for HE LOVES like no other.
Even though the seasons CHANGE
but is the REAL CHANGE
that lasts forever.
So I am coming back.
JOY returns to my soul
JESUS did it again,
HE unwrapped me from all the rubble of the distractions of the CHRISTMAS season.
So when I do pack up the decorations
my nativity will remain
JESUS came as A BABY
who is the CHRISTMAS we all need
through every season
HE is the NEW
that we are searching for,
because HIS NEW is
that is always here.
Even if we get a wee bit distracted,
HE is still waiting
for all that HE will continue to do
in the lives of all who
call out to HIM~
"Hear me,LORD, and have mercy on me. Help me, O LORD.”
YOU have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. YOU have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O LORD my GOD, I will give you thanks forever!" (Psalm 30:10-12)
for JOY returns to my soul
JESUS is my JOY.
"Find me here at YOUR feet again
Everything I am
Reaching out I surrender
Come sweep ME up in YOUR love again
And my soul will dance
On the wings of forever"*
and now I
*"TOUCH THE SKY" (listen to the song below)