GOD doesn't HAVE TO just because HE is GOD.
HE doesn't HAVE TO give me this or give me that
just because I am asking HIM for this or that.
BUT I will keep asking
just because I love talking to GOD.
What if you couldn't talk to GOD?
What if HE said that children should be seen and not heard,
and our being HIS children we had to hold our tongues
and wait our turn for HIM to tell us when to speak.
I think I would burst, as I can't keep quiet.
What if GOD was too holy for us,
so that we could only talk to HIM if
we looked PERFECT
did everything PERFECTLY
and even crafted the PERFECT words
dotting every "i" and crossing every "t"?
CROSSing every "T".
There it is.
CROSSing every "T".
The CROSS that you & I & everyone else didn't HAVE TO
be nailed to.
Think about it. Really think about it.
The CROSS that made us PERFECT enough
so that we can have this
sacred relationship with GOD
so that we can come at
any time & at any moment~
especially in those moments when
we don't feel PERFECT or look PERFECT or act PERFECT
to just talk to GOD
because HE IS GOD.
What if GOD really knows what we are thinking
and what if it isn't GODLY enough?
BUT GOD knows everything that we are thinking
and HE chose to LOVE us anyway
so that HE can be in a relationship
with each & every one of us.
Because we aren't a HAVE TO
as we are a WANT TO.
GOD didn't HAVE TO WANT me or you
GOD didn't HAVE TO birth me or you
GOD didn't HAVE TO
send JESUS to earth
to be the PERFECT man in the imperfect world
HE does know us so well
that we can't be PERFECT enough in ourself
to be PERFECT enough for GOD to even WANT TO
hear what we have to say.
BUT GOD did what HE WANTED to do
for you & me & everyone else~
"How? you ask. In CHRIST. GOD put the wrong on HIM who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with GOD" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Oh you know this as it is Christianity 101~
BUT what if we lived it as we really BELIEVED it
and wore
like a tight glove
as a HAVE TO & as a WANT TO
just because
GOD didn't HAVE TO
"WANTS not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one GOD and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between GOD and us—JESUS, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free"
(1 Timothy 2:4-6 MSG)
What if we all WANTED GOD as much as HE WANTS us?
Don't just think about it.
Live it.
Don't you feel so humbled
because you now yourself so well,
BUT GOD knows you even better than you know yourself
HE did it anyway.
I don't know where I am going with this,
I am experiencing GOD this very moment
as if it was the first time
because every moment talking with GOD
is an event
I did nothing to deserve a relationship with GOD
except that
I WANTED a relationship with HIM
because doing life IN me
is not so pretty.
"HE has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of HIS own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in CHRIST JESUS before the beginning of time" (2 Timothy 1:9).
Will you embrace HIS GRACE as if it is like the very first time
and come into HIS PRESENCE
BUT because
get on the CROSS
so we didn't HAVE TO
because that is
"MY JESUS" (listen to the song below)