I don't feel like writing right now
I have just had a fight with my computer
as I was pouring out my heart
and my website has been freezing up
and erasing all my words.
But now I know why.
Oh GOD how YOU can use even the smallest triggers to get my attention.
What a reminder about how the silliest smallest things in life
become so big when we allow them to steal away
Is JESUS still JESUS if I don't write about HIM?
Is JESUS still JESUS if things don't go my way?
Is JESUS still JESUS in the midst of the sorrows of the real big tragic things of life?
Is JESUS more than just a feeling or a man on a cross?
I get so mad at myself when I get so frustrated over the silliest things
when I know better
because I know the one who KNOWS me better than I even KNOW myself.
For HE knew me when I didn't even KNOW HIM
and HE still pursued me in
my lostness
when I didn't even know that I was lost.
To make a long story short,
I was awaken at a concert last night
GOD took me back to
"the joy of my salvation" (Psalm 51).
I was getting off track
without even knowing it
because I have been so focused on
my unanswered prayers
that I forgot
that the simple TRUTH
the life saving TRUTH
that JESUS is my "RESCUE STORY".
As Zach Williams was singing this song,
the song that makes me weep every time,
I forgot about my first LOVE
and why I do what I do.
HE found me.
HE has set me FREE from myself.
This is so crazy
as I KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH has set me FREE (John 8:32).
"So if the SON sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36)
But oh how subtle life is
as it slowly strips away
that is only found in JESUS
and is the only reason why we even breathe.
As the psalmist says it way better than me~
"Restore to me the joy of YOUR salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me" (Psalm 51:12)
Oh wow.
Oh how I still get so amazed how easy it is to get off track,
yet how GOD never leaves us there.
HE is always reminding us.
HE never gives up on us.
What is life without JESUS?
No life at all.
Oh how I don't want to ever go back in time
when GOD
was just a guy I visited Sundays at church
and JESUS was just a guy hanging on a cross.
As HEAD knowledge is just stuck in your HEAD
and is really just about your own thoughts and your own feelings.
Thank YOU GOD for severing the ties I have made with myself in my HEAD
the moment you came into my HEART.
Oh how the words of Revelation ring so true to my soul~
"You have persevered and have endured hardships for MY name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first" (Revelation 2:3-4).
Oh remember. Oh never forget.
Because HE never forgets you.
FOR JESUS is not a figment of my imagination
for HE is my & your
"RESCUE STORY" (listen to the song below)