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Day 5: Just Say Yes

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

He saw it.

And said it scared him.

A CROSS covered with nails.

And I agreed with him.

I told him that seeing a CROSS covered in nails

is scary if you are the one who has to get on it.

He looked at me more afraid then when he came into the room

where we were setting up for the UNLEASHED conference,

as he was the banquet the manager.

But then I continued and told them that when we give our lives to JESUS

the CROSS is where we get to hang our "stuff" so we don't have to be hanging.

Not sure if he heard my words as he couldn't wait to leave the room.

What if you had to be nailed to a CROSS in order to live as


Sounds scary to me. I would also run in the other direction.

But what if the where you were running to

brought you right back to

the CROSS with nails,~

would you see it instead as a crucifixion or an invitation?



I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in ME will live, even though they die;

and whoever lives by believing in ME will never die

"DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:26)

And you ask~

"What do I have to do?"

And JESUS responds~

. "DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:26)

And you then point to the CROSS with the nails

and ask HIM again~

"What do I have to do?"

And JESUS responds~

"The SON OF MAN will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes,

and they will condemn HIM to death and deliver HIM over to the Gentiles.

And they will mock HIM and spit on HIM, and flog HIM and kill HIM

And after three days HE will rise" (Mark 10:32-33)

And then you look at HIM

and ask one more time~

"What do I have to do?"

And JESUS looks into your eyes

and says

"DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:26)

And then you look at the


as it is no longer a scary place as it becomes a sacred place



because JESUS did what we don't have to do.

And all

HE asks is

. "DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:26)



Scary or Sacred?

So I wonder if the banquet manager was able to sleep

or was dreaming of a

CROSS covered in nails

that was calling his name.

I wonder if he called out to JESUS

to thank HIM

to do the impossible to make his life possible.

I wish he could have seen the


on the following day

when it was covered will all the hanging paper rag dolls

with all the words of the of the lies, pain, hurt....

that each woman wrote on them,

that where nailed on the CROSS

because they answered


"DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:26)

with a big


Oh my friend as we are on the

5th Day of Lent

don't allow

a response of NO to


weigh you down.

If JESUS was standing between the

CROSS covered with nails and you,

what do you need to say

NO to by saying YES to JESUS

by nailing it to the cross

just because HE is asking you.

"Cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for us” (I Peter 5:7)

And all it takes is

"I SAY YES" (listen to the song below)


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