If you are allowed only one question
that you can ask
GOD, what would it be? And what if
never answered you
in the way that you wanted HIM
to answer,
then would that really be a question or a test? Hmm.
Think about it.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why don't YOU mend this relationship? Why did _______ have to suffer so much? Why am I depressed when I am following YOU? Where are YOU when I need YOU? Why did YOU even create apples when you knew Eve would eat one? BUT then GOD answers,
BUT in a way that is so absurd
that you don't like HIS answer
so you move on to another something or someone
to find the answers to the questions of life,
because you believe
GOD flunked your test.
you still can't find the right answers.
Therefore you become more frustrated than before.
BUT then it happens because
never stops pursuing you,
even though
doesn't have the exact answer that you think you want or need.
you are at your wits end
that you have no choice but to
you look up & listen
with your whole heart & mind
then everything starts to make sense,
in such an absurd way
that is so simple that you almost want to complicate it.
JESUS! A NAME that is used so loosely. A NAME "that's too religious" for me. A NAME that is used for holidays twice a year. And yes,
if you think of
as just a name then just a name
HE is.
if you make
the answer to all your questions
then just maybe you will have your answers. "JESUS answered them, 'Do you finally believe?
In fact, you’re about to make a run for it—saving your own skins and abandoning ME.
But I’m not abandoned. The FATHER is with ME. I’ve told you all this so that trusting ME,
you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.
In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I'VE conquered the world.'” (John 16:33)
Ask the ONE who is always
to all your questions
no matter what your question is
(listen to the song below)