He did it.
He actually held the knife above his son as he was about to kill him,
because GOD asked him.
And then at the moment of no return
GOD shows up~
And Abraham picked up the knife to kill his son as a sacrifice. At that moment the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!
Don’t lay a hand on the boy!" the angel said. "Do not hurt him in any way,
for now I know that you truly fear GOD.
You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son” (Genesis 22: 10-12).
Could you & I?
Would you & I do what it takes to
no matter what HE asks us to do?
What if HE asked you to~
TRUST HIM in the midst of the unknowns (Proverbs 3:5-6).
BE STILL when you just want to make something happen (Psalm 46:10).
PERSEVERE when you are beyond tired of trying (Galatians 6:9).
BELIEVE when HE says HE LOVES YOU (I John 3:1).
RECEIVE HIS FORGIVENESS when you can't forgive yourself (Romans 8:1).
FORGIVE that one person who has done the unforgivable (Colossians 3:13).
What if?
Would you & I
do what it takes to
Oh YES because there is no other way.
Let's FAST from the weight of
by DOING what GOD asks us to DO
because when we do
we experience
"the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS" (Philippians 4:6).
It is always a WIN WIN doing it GOD'S way,
so why wouldn't we
"LIVE LIKE THAT" (listen to the song below)