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Day 27: Simply Unweary

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

Have you ever been sick & tired of being sick & tired?

Not a fever~y kind of sick,

but a WEARINESS that overcomes your soul.

Even though I am clinging to JESUS

I was getting sick & tired of having to depend on HIM so much.

I know that doesn't sound so christian~ese,

but actually it is

because JESUS knows about our WEARINESS

as HE tells us to

"Come to ME all who are WEARY and burdened" (Matthew 11;28)

Oh how I burden myself when I am carrying

frustration, sadness, anger & ______,

because I can't control what I want to control

and then I am


But GOD tells us

"Let us not become WEARY in doing good..." (Galatians 6:9)

yet WEARINESS still overtakes my soul. .

I am not trying to win a medal of goodness,

as anything that I do that is good

is only when I OBEY GOD.

But GOD tells us not to grow WEARY & JESUS tells the WEARY to come.

To be WEARY or not to be WEARY~

is it the question or is it the answer?

Well, I pressed forward in obedience and sat with GOD again~

to give HIM another chance (hmmm),

when actually HE gives me another chance all the time.

My heart was immediately opened to the why behind my frustration.

I didn’t believe JESUS could get me out of this.

I didn't believe that HE could do anything that would take away

the pain, the anger, & the frustration that feeds


Well HE is faithful.

HE showed up because I did.

Immediately I was back in my happy place!

Just because I feel I have nothing else to give,

doesn’t mean that JESUS doesn’t have anything else to give!

HE never WEARIES of us

as that is

why HE tells us to


Like FATHER like SON~

"Do not grow WEARY in doing good

for in for in due time we will reap if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9)

When is the time to not grow WEARY?

Right now whether you or I believe it or not

because JESUS is inviting us to

COME in our WEARINESS and to bring our burdens with us.

And when we show up

HE shows up like never before

because HE is always taking us deeper in our


to places where we have never been before

that takes us beyond our doubts~

if only


when only

we just

"COME TO JESUS" (listen to the song below)



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