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Day 26: Finding Real Life

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

I was told to


I took that to heart,

as I take everything to heart.

So I tried it all.

I will take tennis lessons.

And still not be able to serve.

I will take sailing lessons.

And still tip the boat.

I will even learn how to do ______ or _______.

And I still didn't FIND the LIFE that I was asked to FIND,

because what I was trying to FIND I already had FOUND.

Now there is nothing wrong with tennis or sailing or _______.

But there is only one LIFE to FIND, and if it isn't FOUND then LIFE isn't LIFE.

"Whoever has the SON has LIFE; whoever does not have the SON of GOD does not have LIFE"

(I John 5:12)

But when I did FIND REAL LIFE it still wasn't enough

for those who needed to get the LIFE that they were asking me to FIND.

It is so much easier to tell others what to do, what to think, and how to do things better,

yet not even do it themselves.

How we can be mislead that there is more to


because where is LIFE without JESUS?

It isn't LIFE.

So I may attempt to play tennis,

and it is pretty messy as I play to just play.

No score.

Now rules.

Just get the little round ball over the net.

But I won't just play LIFE.

Because LIFE isn't a game,

or maybe it is,

as you can WIN or LOSE~

"But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege & supreme advantage of knowing CHRIST JESUS my LORD [and of growing more deeply & thoroughly acquainted with HIM—a joy unequaled]. For HIS sake I have lost everything,

& I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain CHRIST,

& may be FOUND in HIM [believing and relying on HIM],

not having any righteousness of my own derived from [my obedience to] the Law & its rituals, but [possessing] that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in CHRIST,

the righteousness which comes from GOD on the basis of faith.

And this, so that I may know HIM [experientially, becoming more thoroughly acquainted with HIM, understanding the remarkable wonders of HIS Person more completely] & [in that same way experience] the power of HIS resurrection [which overflows and is active in believers],

& [that I may share] the fellowship of HIS sufferings, by being continually conformed [inwardly into HIS likeness even] to HIS death [dying as HE did]" (Philippians 3:8-10 AMP).

LIFE isn't something to play with.

Have you LOST your LIFE?

"If you cling to your LIFE, you will LOSE it; but if you give up your LIFE for me,

you will FIND it" (Matthew 10:39).

Let today be the day that you

LOSE the weight of



in other things and other people




by becoming


(listen to the song below)



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