I didn't want to be INTERRUPTED
as I had my plan,
yet I prayed that morning for a GOD APPOINTMENT.
And then I got INTERRUPTED~
He walked towards me.
Someone I really didn’t feel like talking to at that moment,
as I had one mission in mind
and that was to walk on the beach and to be with GOD,
as I was craving alone time with GOD.
But instead I was
I know this man, as he lives right on the beach.
He wanted to talk.
He shared what was going on in his life.
He shared a past surgery.
He shared his weight gain.
He shared that he has been depressed.
My lips started to move and then words
"Are you mad at GOD" came flowing out.
His eyes went bug eyed as he responded
"I can't believe you said that, but yes".
Then one word lead to another and to another.
My lips kept moving, which is easy for me,
but something was different.
I asked questions.
I shared my GOD story.
He had said he wasn't practicing his faith,
and that JESUS wasn't someone who his faith believed in.
He had no hope.
I shared HOPE.
HOPE found in JESUS.
My lips kept moving as words flowed one by one
and before I knew it
I went from Adam & Eve
to Moses and to David
and then back to JESUS.
I didn't have a script.
I didn't have a plan
except that I wanted to go to the beach
to be with GOD.
BUT GOD had other plans
right in the middle of the street
taking control of that moment in time
as HE had answered my prayer earlier in the morning
which I saw as an INTERRUPTION.
Now I know this man had no idea what he was getting himself into
as I didn't even know
as he wasn't on my agenda as I am sure that I wasn't on his agenda.
He got more than he could imagine in that moment
as he left with my asking him to
look up
talk to GOD
and to invite JESUS into his life.
He left with the words
"I still can't believe you knew that I was mad at GOD".
He left different then when we started the conversation.
Now he may hide & run the next time he sees me,
but GOD sees him
as GOD created him
GOD wants all HIS children to
as what is the purpose of life
if there is no HOPE in the ONE who is our HOPE?
But oh, how I will never look at INTERRUPTIONS
the same
as I started to walk to the beach
to begin with my time with GOD
when actually
I was continuing my time with GOD
HE had set up this
that I saw as an INTERRUPTION
when it SIMPLY was a
to share & remember that
HE is
"ALL MY HOPE" (listen to the song below)