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Day 25: His Perfect Path

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

You are walking along


and think it is the right PATH, 

until you trip over a ROCK.

You didn't PLAN to trip over a ROCK.

Does that mean you were walking along the wrong PATH?

What if THIS PATH is the RIGHT PATH,

 that just happened to have a ROCK

 that you just happened to trip over?

Every PATH has smooth parts

and rough parts

and some random ROCKS, 

but it doesn't mean it is the wrong PATH,

or life would be wrong all the time.

What if the ROCK was the PLAN?

What if the ROCK was there to make you stop.

What if there was a message inscribed on the


that was written just for you,

but you never read the WORDS 

because you were too angry

that the ROCK was there in the first place,

when actually


was purposely placed there

with a message

inscribed in it

just for you~ 

"Trust in the LORD _______________*(your name),

 with all your heart,     and lean not on your own understanding, __________*; in all your ways, _____________*, submit to HIM,    

and HE will make your paths straight"  (Proverbs 3:5-6).

But you missed it.

For you never read THE ROCK,

because after you tripped and fell

 frustration and anger took over you,

because of the ROCK, 

and now you have skinned knees and are covered with dirt.

 You then continue to walk along the PATH.

It happens again.

You trip over another


Now you are really angry,

because your knees are really skinned

and you are covered with more dirt.

You look at the ROCK as your enemy

and huff off

not reading the message on the ROCK~

"Do not be anxious or worried about

anything, _______________ *(your name),

but in everything, _________________,

in every circumstance and situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving,


continue to make your specific requests known to GOD.

And the peace of GOD,

 that peace which reassures the heart,

that peace which transcends all understanding,

that peace which stands guard over your hearts and your minds

 in CHRIST JESUS is yours, ____________" (Philippians 4:6-7).

You chalk this day up as a horrible day

and you are never going to take that PATH again.

You will try harder to pick the perfect PATH

that does not have any ROCKS.

You then see a SIGN before you

and it has the word

ROCK written on it.

And there on the ground

are thousands of ROCKS

with your name written on all of them,

surrounded by other WORDS. 

One ROCK grabs your attention .

You STOP to read it.

“Be still, _______________,

and know that I am GOD" (Psalm 46:10).

You become so STILL.

You are filled with PEACE.

You can't believe you missed it.

 You realize that you were always on the


because this


was tailored just for you.

The ROCKS were not stumbling blocks,

as they were GOD'S WAY 

of getting your attention,



WHO will never lead you astray

when you are walking with HIM.

"You're blessed, _______________,

 when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by GOD.

 You're blessed, _______________, when you follow

HIS directions, doing your best to find HIM.

That's right ______________, don't go off on your own;

you walk straight along the road HE set.

YOU, GOD, prescribed the right way to live;

now you expect me, ______________, to live it.

Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course YOU set;

 Then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with YOUR counsel.

 I, _____________, thank YOU for speaking straight from YOUR heart;

 I, _______________, learn the pattern of YOUR righteous ways.

I'm going to do what YOU tell me to do; don't ever walk off and leave me" 

(Psalm 119:1-8).




I, ______________,



(listen to the song below)



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