GOD is black and white.
You either BELIEVE HIM or not.
You either BELIEVE HE created the world, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE created you, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE sent JESUS to earth as a baby, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE had JESUS crucified in our place, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE laid JESUS in a tomb, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE let JESUS wait in the tomb as dead, or not.
You either BELIEVE HE resurrected JESUS on the third day or not.
You either BELIEVE HE said
"If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUSand BELIEVE in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9), or not.
You either BELIEVE the BIBLE is GOD~ BREATHED, or not.
GOD is black and white.
Do you BELIEVE HIM or not?
"BELIEVE" (listen to the song below)