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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 2: Freedom Of Speech


feeling what you feel because that is what you feel~

"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?"

FREEDOM is feeling what you feel because that is what you feel,

yet being SET FREE from yourself~

"I will put my hope in GOD! I will praise HIM again— my SAVIOR and my GOD!"

(Psalm 43:5).

Oh I love the Psalmist David.

Oh how he let his emotions roar.

Oh how he kept nothing back.

In his desperate lonely times~

"How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever?

How long will you hide your face from me?"*

Oh the battle was real.

Oh the battle with himself~

"How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

and day after day have sorrow in my heart?"*

Oh the FREEDOM to let it all out to GOD

and not keep anything back~

"Look on me and answer, LORD my GOD.

Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death"

Oh the FREEDOM of speech,

to have an unedited relationship with GOD

because that is what GOD wants.

Have you told HIM?

Have you asked HIM?

Have you let it all out to HIM?

What would you tell, ask, and let out to GOD right this moment,

even though HE knows everything you feel anyway?

"YOU know what I am going to say

even before I say it, LORD" (Psalm 139:4).


with your CREATOR.

To TELL HIM all that is on your heart.

To ASK HIM for what you desire.

To LET IT all out

because all GOD wants is to have an intimate relationship

with you.

Why do I have tears right now as I write?

Because GOD has never let me down in our conversations together,

and we have had some intimate conversations.

And HE has never told me to be quiet.

And oh how I relate to David,

as after David pours out his heart to the LORD

he always ends up in the same place.

In that sweet place where

it is no longer about him

because it is all about GOD~

"But I trust in YOUR unfailing love; my heart rejoices in YOUR salvation. I will sing the LORD'S praise, for HE has been good to me"*(Psalm 13)

FREEDOM to speak to GOD.

FREEDOM to speak honestly to GOD.

Because HE is the author of


and it begins with begin set FREE from yourself~

"In my distress I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and set me free" (Psalm 118:5)


to talk to GOD is endless

because HE never stops listening.

So will you talk, ask, & let it all out to HIM.

Just begin with

"DEAR GOD" (listen to the song below)

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