HE called & I answered.
HE said
"Come to ME" (Matthew 11:28)
and bring all your stuff,
not hiding anything,
because I see it all anyway
and I gave MY life for you~
not because of any great work you did or could ever do.
You are right that
you are not good enough
to do enough
to have ME love you more than I already do.
So come
Boldly & Courageously
even in the midst of timidity & fear
before the ONE
who loves you
behind the MASK
that you may wear
to try to make you good enough
to be seen as enough
in this crazy world~
when there is ONE
who would die again for
you & me & everyone else
just because
HE is so very REAL
as that is all HE knows to be.
because we
"BELONG TO YOU" (listen to the song below)