Once Upon A Time there lived a man
who had it all.
The wife.
The kids.
The home.
The riches.
But then Once Upon A Time there lived a MAN,
who didn't have it all.
GOD allowed satan to strip away all the JOB had,
except for his life.
Once Upon A Time there lived a MAN,
who had it all.
But then Once Upon A Time there lived a MAN,
who didn't have it all.
GOD allowed JESUS to be born as a baby,
dressed in rags.
Once Upon A time there lived a man named
who cried out in his pain~
“Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?...
What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me. I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.”
(Job 3:11, 25-26).
Once Upon A Time there lived
who cried out in HIS is pain~
"MY GOD, MY GOD, why have you forsaken ME"
(Matthew 27:46).
Where was GOD?
And how could GOD allow such a thing.
Did GOD care?
"Job’s trouble did not come because he had lost faith in GOD.
He felt and feared that GOD had lost faith in him. He asks,
'Why continue living (why is light given)
if I can’t see the way and GOD has trapped me in this place?'” (Guzik).
Oh I have asked GOD the same question~
Where are you GOD when life doesn't make sense?
And GOD answers me
with JESUS.
JESUS makes sense in the senseless.
For HIS BIRTH didn't make SENSE.
For why would JESUS be born as a baby
and have to walk this earth
living as a man
to experience all the woes of life that man would ever experience.
For why would JESUS have to be stripped down and humiliated,
for all to see HIM naked on a cross
to be beaten to death.
JESUS experience the disconnect from GOD that we all dread.
Life without GOD is a life without.
What happened to JOB?
HE lived through the pain and the loss
as HE talked to GOD through all HIS pain.
What happened to JESUS?
HE lived though the pain and the loss with GOD,
as HE talked to GOD through all HIS PAIN.
Because GOD was there.
What happens to you when pain and loss come knocking at your door?
Do you cry out to GOD and question where is HE,
because how could HE allow such a thing?
Has GOD lost FAITH in you, or is FAITH being found in you.
Oh I have cried out
and continue to cry out
“For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me,And that of which I am afraid has come upon me",
when the unspeakable happens.
Oh I have cried out
"My GOD, my GOD, why have you forsaken me",
when the unspeakable happens.
But where is GOD?
Holding me.
Because JESUS has me
and HE will never let me go.
Once upon A time there lives you and I
Once upon a time _____________ happens.
So you and I
look up and see the cross
that hung the ONE who didn't deserve to be there,
but HE did it anyway.
From the cradle to the cross.
For one and for all.
GOD has never left.
Be Still And Know that GOD is GOD.
Always into forever.
(listen to the song below)