How can you be LOVED if GOD didn't LOVE you?
Think about it. Really think about it.
You once where a precious baby.
You & me.
A precious baby SEEN by others as precious
because you were a baby.
You didn't have to do anything.
And even when you cried you were still precious.
~So what has taken away your preciousness
Is it who you SEE in the mirror or how others SEE you
is it your ever aging body?
But aren't you & I still that precious baby
who was created by GOD by GOD
who looks upon us with such tenderness
because of HIS GRACE
that loves every one of HIS CREATIONS
because it is all about HIM.
So if we make it ALL ABOUT HIM
then we can move to the side
and not make it about ourselves
so GOD can continue to mold us into
the precious creations whom HE created us to be.
All HIS for HIM!
And then all that matters is HIS LOVE
that has birthed us as HIS precious child~
"See what great love the FATHER has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of GOD! And that is what we are" (I John 3:1)~
forever & ever & ever...
and even beyond that~
"For in CHRIST JESUS you are all sons of GOD, through faith" (Galatians 3:26).
Oh what if you truly embraced your identity
that is not what you think about yourself
or what anyone else may think about you
and step aside
to embrace the truth beyond truths that
"I AM LOVED" (listen to the song below)