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Dark No More

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

I just can't HIDE HIM.

I don't ever want to HIDE HIM

because HE never HID from me

even when I was HIDING from HIM.

Do I do everything perfectly?

Oh no~

And that is why I need HIM.

Do I say everything perfectly?

Oh no.~

And that is why I need HIM.

Does HE run & HIDE

from you and I

when we choose to run the other way?

Oh no.

HE still stands there with open arms

calling us to HIMSELF

so HE can wrap us with HIS FORGIVENESS

because of HIS GRACE.

So why run the other way when HE isn't running away?

Because it isn't about me

and it isn't about you

and it isn't about anyone else

when we make it all about HIM,

because HE made it all about us

or HE would have never hung on the CROSS.

"Remember, our Message is not about ourselves;

we’re proclaiming JESUS CHRIST the MASTER.

All we are is messengers, errand runners from

JESUS for you.

It started when GOD said, 'LIGHT up the darkness!'

and our lives filled up with LIGHT as we saw and understood

GOD in the face of CHRIST,

all bright and beautiful" (2 Corinthians 4:6 MSG)

So let's LIGHT up this world

because HE came to LIGHT up ours~

“Here’s another way to put it:

You’re here to be LIGHT, bringing out the GOD-colors in the world.

GOD is not a secret to be kept.

We’re going public with this,

as public as a city on a hill.

If I make you LIGHT-bearers,

you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you?

I’m putting you on a LIGHT stand.

Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a LIGHT stand—shine!

Keep open house; be generous with your lives.

By opening up to others,

you’ll prompt people to open up with GOD, this generous FATHER in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

So let's start and listen to

"LOVE ON THE RADIO" (listen to the song below)


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