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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 5: Where Are You Christmas?


Are you trying to make Christmas happen this year~

By keeping the traditions that you hold so dear?

Is it in the making of your favorite cookies or

building the gingerbread house~

Is it in reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas"

where there is a sleeping mouse?

Is it in watching the movies that make your heart smile~

Is it in buying the truck or the doll for a child?

What happens when your tastebuds change~

And your favorite cookie is no longer the same?

Or the story book that you all loved to read~

Remains on the shelf because there's no longer a need?

Or the movies you loved, now make you cry~

And toys are something that you no longer buy?

But one thing never changes~

And that is The BABY in the crib,

Even though HE grew up to wear a robe~

And no longer a bib.

HE is who HE says HE is~

And Will do What HE has said,

No matter if the sugarplums~

Aren’t dancing in your head.

As we all grow up from a little girl or a boy~

We still need PEACE, HOPE and JOY.

And this can’t be manufactured from decorating a tree~

It is in picking up the BABY Who loves you and me.

Christmas hasn’t left your house~

Because it's a matter of the heart,

It was never about the traditions~

That may be different from the start.

Christmas Day may remind us of what we have lost~

But all is regained in the One who paid the cost.

Because BABY JESUS isn’t just a fond memory

From the past

As HE is your present and future~

Made to last.

HE takes your burdens, your anxieties, and your woes~

Your precious heart is what HE knows.

So when you ask yourself "Where are you Christmas"~

Pick up the BABE,

Because HE'S the Christmas~

That we all crave.

The unconditional Love~

Which has never changed,

A gift that keeps giving~

That you won’t want to exchange.

So when “My world is changing~

does that mean Christmas changes too”?

Just pick up the BABY~

Because HIS Love will change you.


How has your “Christmas” changed this year?

How do you believe The BABY can change your "Christmas"?

CHRISTMAS is more than just a season because CHRISTMAS is always here!

"JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

"WHERE ARE YOU CHRISTMAS " (listen to the song below)

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