There she was~
sitting on the same boardwalk,
where I met her for the first time years ago.
She wasn't doing well
as she hasn't been for awhile.
She had a setback,
that left her in despair
at the end of her rope
to a point that she didn't want to
be here anymore.
And then it happened
GOD showed up in a way that she didn't expect.
She found it,
when she wasn't even looking for it.
A picture I had given her
years ago & there "HE" was~
JESUS holding the hand of a little girl.
A peace washed over her
the moment she read the inscription
"I will never leave you" (Hebrews 13:5).
GOD showed up in a way that she didn't even expect
as she wasn't even looking.
at that moment saved her life.
Is this picture a sacred shrine?
Oh no,
but the image & the truth of who
overwhelmed her and changed everything.
Oh when GOD shows up
in the littlest things
at the exact right time~
as HE always shows up
even if we don't see, hear or feel
for each & every one of
which you & I are~
is so much greater than our deepest sorrows.
So remember
when life hits you for the worse~
who has experienced the worse
as HE screamed
“MY GOD, MY GOD why have YOU forsaken ME?” (Matthew 27:46)
just so HE will walk with us through
every storm
and make the walk bearable
as we
"Fix our eyes on JESUS..." (Hebrews 12:2)
the ONE who promises
"I will never leave you or forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).
And all we have to do
is take the hand of the
ONE who finds us
right where we are
and changes everything.
(*art above by Phyllis Harris @