What if from the moment you jump out of bed
to the moment when you get back in at night,
everything could be different
than what it is?
You get to exchange what you don't want
in order to receive what you do want.
What would you get rid of
What would you take?
Tears just filled my eyes as I am writing
and I don't know why.
Could it be because I feel helpless
for wanting what I so desire to be so different
that it is out of my control?
Could it be because of all the sorrow I do see
in the lives of so many?
Could it be because I want everything
and everyone to be so different~
even myself when I
anxiety over peace
doubt over trust
bitterness over forgiveness
wrong over right?
Because I do know that~
"I truly delight in God’s commands,
but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight.
Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it,
they take charge."*
Could it be because I can't be that person I desire to be on my own?
Because oh how I have tried in the past, and it never worked
as I relate to Paul's words~
"I’ve tried everything and nothing helps.
I’m at the end of my rope.
Is there no one who can do anything for me?"*
Isn’t that the real question?
Maybe it is about
Someone Else
and not me
what I want when I want it is okay to want
I can't make it happen
I can't even control myself at times
Someone Else
can do so much more
and has done so much more
so why try doing what only
Someone Else
can do~
"The answer, thank God, is that
Jesus Christ
can and does.
(*Romans 7:22-25 The Message)
So I ask you again
yet in a different way~
What if from the moment you jump out of bed
to the moment when you get back in at night,
you could be
Listen below~