The Words rolled off my tongue~
"Jesus Loves Me This I Know"
she became all so still
as I stroked her hair and continued~
"For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong"
she continued to just lay so quietly peaceful,
as my cracking voice continued to hold back the tears~
"Yes Jesus Loves Me Oh, yes Jesus Loves Me Yes Jesus Loves M e
For the Bible tells me so"
her eyes opened
looking right into mine
as she said,
"That was really nice. I like it. Thank you"
I asked if she wanted to hear it again
she said
so I sang this simple little song
over and over again.
Oh the power of the
three little words
Jesus Loves Me
to settle a soul
to fill a heart
where no one or no thing can.
That moment will be forever tattooed on my heart
on Joan's Heart
on my Husbands Heart
we all got to experience a miraculous moment
just because
"Yes Jesus loves me Oh, yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so"