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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 18: Feeling is Believing

I can't make

"God Happen"~

yet I still try

when I can't

Feel His Presence

when I don't

Hear an answer to a prayer

when I am in the middle

of the desert~

in the dead space~

when nothing is happening in

my heart,

when the passion I have for Him

is no where to be found

yet I know it is there,

and crave so much more.


I try to make

"God Happen"

to me,

because aren't we told

"If at first you don't succeed try try again"?

Have you been there or maybe you are there now~

just waiting for

God to come alive in your soul?

Then I am reminded

of the words~

"Cease Striving and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10


it isn't in the

Trying & Striving,

yet it isn't in being

passive either

because it is in

Knowing God~

"Know that the Lord, He is God!

It is He who made us, and we are His;

We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture" (Psalm 100:3)~

whether we feel Him or not


I am here & You are here

and we didn't get here by


"You knitted me together in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13

And then I also remember oh so clearly

that when I was lost,

so very very lost,

it wasn't in my

Trying and Striving


I found myself.

It was

when I became oh so very still

and looked up

to the


Who I knew I needed

to do what I couldn't do for myself~


He did

show up

in my heart

and my life hasn't been the same,

even in the dead times,


the God I know


His Son that I know


they are not a feeling.

They Are


They Are



we feel them or not.



Be Still


Live on Purpose


"Walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7

living in our

Redeemed Restored Reality

whether we feel it or not.

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Be Waitless LLC

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