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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 38: Doing Nothing

What if you did nothing else today


Wait on God?

To just wait for

His small whisper.

To Just wait to

See Him.

To just wait to

Feel Him.

To just


What if you did nothing else today


Wait on God?

It would be your best day

because you would~

See Him

in the sunrise

you would

Feel Him

in a loved one's touch

you would

Hear Him

even in the silence

because you know that

He is there~

"In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice;

In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch." Psalm 5:3

A day of

Waiting on God

is not a day of

Waiting "for" God


God hasn't gone anywhere.

Waiting on God

makes every moment great


whomever or whatever you are

waiting on

becomes your focus


what would be better

than to

be focused on God

in the

midst of whatever

you are waiting for.

Because those who~

"Wait upon the Lord


Renew their Strength;

They Shall

Mount up with wings as eagles;

They Shall

Run, and Not Be Weary;


They Shall

Walk, and Not Faint." Isaiah 40:30

Waiting on God

is not being stagnant.

Waiting on God

moves you forward

so that you are

Living in the Moment


His Peace

His Joy

His Hope

no matter what you can't see, feel, or touch

because you just know


He is in the wait with you.





Doing Nothing


Doing Something


Doing Nothing but

Waiting on God

so the you & I become

Waitlessly Free


Live in the Moment

with the

One who is in every moment with you.

"Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" Psalm 27:14

What are you waiting for??

Take Courage~

Weightless Log

1st Pound: Self

2nd Pound: Complaining and Blame

3rd Pound: Chaos

4th Pound: _____________

5th Pound : Judgement

6th Pound: Distractions

7th Pound: Jealousy

8th Pound: DIS

9th Pound: Procrastination

10th Pound: Fear

11th Pound: Temporary

12th Pound: Frustration

13th Pound: Anxiety

14th Pound: I Don't Wanna

15th Pound: Forsaken

16th Pound: Control

17th Pound: Meaningless

18th Pound: Unimaginable

19th Pound: Despair

20th Pound: Knowing

21st Pound: Trees

22nd Pound: Thinking Less of Self

23rd Pound: Our Clothes

24th Pound: What Was

25th Pound: _______________

26th Pound: Unwholesome Talk

27th Pound: Uncomplicated

28th Pound: Shame

29th Pound: Worry

30th Pound: The Past

31st Pound: Un-Mattered

32nd Pound: _____________

33rd Pound: Down

34th Pound: Thinking

35th Pound: Anger

36th Pound: Waiting for God

37th Pound: Un-Healed

38th Pound: Doing Nothing

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© 2016 by Joni Jones. Proudly created with

Be Waitless LLC

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