“Away in a manger No crib for His bed The little Lord Jesus Lay down His sweet head”
The Little Lord
Living Hope,
His life
as a
"Majesty in the midst of the mundane.
Holiness in the filth of sheep manure and sweat.
Divinity entering the world on the floor of a stable,
through the womb of a teenager and in the presence of a carpenter.” (Lucado)
Putting your confidence in a baby.
Trusting a baby.
A little helpless baby.
How little it makes me feel putting my hope in a baby,
as it shows my helpless state.
How humbling is that?
Have you picked up
The Baby?
Have you picked Him up with one hand~
or you can’t because your hands are behind your back?
Have you picked Him up, with your head
yet not with your heart?
Or are you afraid to?
Oh I have....in all those ways.
I couldn’t pick Him up,
because I was carrying my baggage hidden behind my back,
and I didn't trust Him.
I was afraid to pick Him up
because of my shame and guilt.
I picked Him up with my head, but not my heart~
so He never made a difference in my life.
I picked Him up with one hand,
because I loved what was in my other hand .
But ....
As I dropped what was in my hands, at His feet
My hands were free to truly pick Him up.
To look onto
His eyes...
So He could become my
This Baby~
Fixing your eyes on a perfect, precious, innocent child.
This Baby~
breathes newness into all things~
A Hope~
A new beginning.
So come humbly to the manager,
because the only way up is from a kneeling position.
How have you picked up
This Baby?