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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 4: Where Are You Christmas?

Are you trying to make Christmas happen this year~

By keeping the traditions that you hold so dear?

Is it in the making of your favorite cookies

or building the gingerbread house~

Is it in reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas"

where there is a sleeping mouse.

Is it in watching the movies

that make your heart smile~

Is it in buying the truck

or the doll for a child?

What happens when your tastebuds change~

And your favorite cookie is no longer the same?

Or the story book that you love to read~

Remains on the shelf because there's no longer a need?

Or the movies you laughed at, now make you cry~

And toys are something that you no longer buy?

But one thing never changes~

And that is The Baby in the crib,

Even though He grew up to wear a robe~

And no longer a bib.

He is who He says He is~

And will do what He has said,

No matter if the sugarplums~

Aren’t dancing in your head.

As we all grow up, from a little girl or a boy~

We still need Peace, Hope and Joy.

And this can’t be manufactured from decorating a tree~

It is in picking up The Baby,

Who loves you and me.

Christmas hasn’t left your house,

because it's a matter of the heart,

It was never about the traditions~

that may be different from the start.

Christmas may remind us of what we have lost~

But all is regained in The One who paid the cost.

Because Baby Jesus isn’t just a fond memory from the past

As He is your present and future, made to last.

He takes your burdens, your anxieties, and your woes~

Your precious heart is what He knows.

So when you ask yourself "Where are you Christmas"~

Pick up the Babe,

Because He is Christmas~

that we all crave.

The unconditional Love~

which has never changed,

A gift that keeps giving~

that you won’t want to exchange.

So when “My world is changing, does that mean Christmas changes too?”~

Just pick up The Baby~ Because His Love will change you!


How has your “Christmas” changed or is changing this year?

How do you believe The Baby can change your "Christmas"?

May you fix your eyes on The Baby who never changes, because The Baby does change everything!

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Hebrews 13:8

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