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Writer's pictureJoni

Day 48: Determined Destination

You see


You want


You will get


But was is your


Whatever "it" may be~

when you want what you want

isn't that what you are focused on

and you will do anything

to get


Oh how my grandson

took every step

to the top,

to get to what he wanted,

even though what he wanted,

the cat,

didn't want him~


he still


and laughed

after he made the climb

to the top

and then

continued on to his next endeavor.


made it to his destination,

because his eyes were

peeled on


fixed on

the cat

and no one was going

to stop him.

As I watched

his little hands & his little legs

move from step to step,

listening to his little gurgles of joy,

it made me think

of the child~like faith

that is

so trusting

so pure

so full of joy.

He didn't grumble climbing the steps &

it didn't matter if he got the cat or not.

He was

in the moment

enjoying the process

one step at a time.

This little boy

teaching his little 'ole granny

how to live life

with eyes fixed on our destination~

because it is all about the destination.

If the destination was his nap,

he would't have been so joyful,

but the destination was something

that brought him joy~

so much in that

he pursued it

he sought it out.

What is your destination?

Where are your eyes peeled, fixed on?

Is it something or someone that you wish would change?

Is it the 10 pounds that you want to lose, again and again?

Is it _________________? You fill in the blank

You become whatever your eyes are fixed on.

So what if

at the top of your steps

you saw

Peace standing there

Joy standing there

Hope standing there

Love standing there

How quickly would you crawl up the steps?

I bet you would run

and enjoy every step getting there .


HE is

standing there

with open arms

and all

He asks

is for us is to~

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to Him,

so that

He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

And all it entails is

fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:2

By making our destination



He is our





If only I would always remember to


if you would always remember to ~

Let your eyes look straight ahead;

fix your gaze directly before you. Proverbs 4:25

then our way to the top

will be filled with joy



is not only standing at the top


He is

on every step to help us get there~


Who Am I & Who Are You~

His Child

with a child-like faith

that gets us to the top.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. II Corinthians 5:7

From Rags to Riches...

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