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Day 16: Practice Makes Perfect?

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

Practice makes perfect

If I practice my multiplication tables~

Practice makes Perfect

If I practice spelling the word "cat"~

Practice makes perfect

If I practice reading "Run Spot Run"

Practice makes perfect

but is it true about everything?

Paul tells us to


Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.

And then what~

And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9

Does that mean that

Practice makes perfect?

The Peace of God~

"The unruffled serenity of the infinitely-happy God,

the eternal composure of the absolutely well-contented God.” (Spurgeon)

Now that sounds


But what about the


Whatever you

Whatever I





Seen in


The "me" is Paul~

but what he is really saying


Follow me as I followed Jesus.


The Perfect One

Who covered Paul's imperfections


His Perfection

so that

the God of Peace

was with him.

Not Paul's perfection

Not mine or your perfection

because there is no such thing

unless it is 2x2, CAT, or Run Spot Run~

"A powerful king sits on his throne, judging the people. Guards attend him, and commoners wait in long lines for an audience. Suddenly, the doors of the throne room burst open. Heads turn, and everyone gasps. There stand two little boys. One is clean, but one is covered in mud and crying. With brazen boldness the unsullied boy tugs the other down the red carpet toward the throne. The guards pull their swords, waiting for a nod from the king to get rid of the intrusion. But the king holds up a hand, and his face softens into a smile. The first little boy stops at the king's knee and pulls his buddy into the circle of his arm. "Dad, this is my friend. He's scared and hurt. I told him you could help." The king opens his arms to envelop both boys, not caring that mud is smeared on his royal robe. He looks into the frightened eyes of the muddy waif and says, "Any friend of my son's is welcome here. How can I help you?"**

...And the Peace of God will be with you..

Now that is


Practice makes perfect

when covered by the

Perfect One

So let's continue to

Put into Practice

just as Paul did~

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Philippians 3:12


Practice makes perfect



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