A baby
is like a blank piece of white paper
is what my grandfather would say~
Perfectly Pure
the moment the baby lets out its first cries
Perfectly Perfect
and then life starts writing his/her story
My story
Your story
A perfectly imperfect story
that can only be made perfect
when Jesus
writes on your heart
His perfect words
that take away any black smudges
that are written on your piece of white paper~
Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.
Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. Isaiah 1:18
The color of purity
but a
that is beyond what our eyes can see
so pure
so bright
that no one can look directly upon God's face
To see His Full Glory
"to see His face-the fulness of His perfections and the grandeur of His designs,
and live, as no human being could bear" (Guzik)
.An Un~Comprehendible
that covers me
that covers you
Making us
Perfectly Significant
Perfectly Forgiven
Perfectly Loved
to live with a childlike faith
a Faith
the love
that wraps around his/her heart
A Love that is so perfect
A Love that is so
to receive
like a baby
like a child
with a faith
that just says
to be enveloped in all
His Perfection
covers the blackest of black
with the
whitest of white
that is in Him~
"We really can be clean from the stain of sin.
Our good works can’t clean the stain.
Our best intentions or promises can’t clean the stain.
Our suffering or pain can’t clean the stain.
Time can’t clean the stain.
Death can’t clean the stain.
Only the work of Jesus can make us white as snow!
We really can have a break with the past, and a new beginning in Jesus Christ.
The power of sin, the shame of sin, the guilt of sin, the domination of sin, and terror of sin, and the pain of sin can all be taken away
in Jesus." (Enduring Word, Guzik)
Perfectly Perfect in Him
What smudges have been written on your piece of paper~
that have been written by you
or someone else?
Have you asked Jesus to remove them completely
with His Perfect Love?
Do you believe you are now white as snow?
Because you know
If the Son sets you free
you will be free indeed John 8:36
To live
Perfectly Perfect in Him
As He continues to cover
Our imperfections
His Perfection.
So let's
Put into practice
Perfect Freedom
found only in Him
so that
we live in the moment
As Perfectly Loved
As Perfectly Forgiven
Perfectly Free
to be
the one who
God created us to be
the moment we let out our first cry.
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you,
unless you
repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking, live changed lives]
and become like children [trusting, humble, and forgiving],
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever receives and welcomes one child like this in My name receives Me"
Matthew 18:3-5 (AMP)