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  • Writer's pictureJoni

The 41st Day

The basket is empty

The chocolate bunny is eaten

The fast is over

So what now?

If you gave up cookies for lent are you now eating a bag of oreos?

If you gave up a glass of wine are you now drinking a bottle?

If you gave up _____________ are you giving into it now?

When we fasted from the weights of this world

the past 40 days

did it bring you closer to God

because your eyes were fixed on His Son?

I know it did for me

as I had to fast

as I was the one who has been

spouting off my mouth the past 40 days about fasting,

and wow

it has been life changing.

So what do I do now...

become anxious

forgetting I fasted from that,

anxious as

I have been dreading this

41st Day

Because now what?

Do I put Jesus back in the tomb until Christmas

when I place Him back in the manger in 252 days?

But Jesus didn't put Himself back in the tomb.


He rises


moves forward

not looking back

even though

He still wore the scars in His hands and His feet.

He moved forward

Walking as the

Risen One

He is for real


He said to doubting Thomas~

“Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side.

Do not doubt but believe. John 20:27

It is really Me

The Risen Lord

He has risen to walk with you

on this

41st Day~

The Day After


it is really about


41st Day:

Living Daily with the Risen Lord


we can't undo what has already been done?

It is finished.

Where are your 40 pounds that you lost?

Are you tempted to gain them back?

Which pound tries to keep weighing you down?

Sad to say

but the temptation to gain back the weight

is so great


you can let it go again

and it gets

easier and lighter

as He gets bigger in your life…

because He came to carry your weight.

Fasting Defined:

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9

It is by

Putting into Practice.

It is a forever process until forever comes.

Say no to the cookie yes to the carrot.

All choices.

Over my lifetime

I lost 500 pounds

hmm... actually more than that

but I did it the wrong way,

losing a lot more than i planned~


and then I

gained myself back

because of the

Risen One


fed me with


All of Him

Who enables me

Who enables you

to live weightless

flying above all that tries to weigh you down

on this

41st Day!

Are you ready to put off and put on..

And live Waitless in the moment?


the wait is over~

He has risen

to walk with us.

As long as we are on this earth there is a lot of weight to lose


will you join me and continue to lose more pounds

as we

take the hand of the

Risen One

who wants to walk with us on the

41st Day..


what do you have to lose?

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Daily Devotions


© 2016 by Joni Jones. Proudly created with

Be Waitless LLC

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