Van Morrison says it better than I:
"Whenever God shines His light on me Opens up my eyes so I can see When I look up in the darkest night And I know everything's going to be alright"
While walking in the dark
He sought the light
By looking up
Beyond the dark clouds
There He was
The Light
Breaking through his darkness
Bringing him back
"Putting his feet back on higher ground"
Whenever God Shines His Light
What clouds cast a dark shadow in your life?
Where do you need His Light to break through?.
His Light
"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome a it." (John 1:5)
Whenever God Shines His Light
Whenever God shines His Light On you He is the Way He is the Truth He is the Light
He will Put your feet back on higher ground
Let's fast from the weight of the
Dark clouds
that may be rolling into your life.
The clouds~
caused by
Choices you have made or are making
The clouds~
caused by the
Choices someone else has made
Whenever the darkness starts coming in
Look up
to the One
Who says it best
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Reach out for Him, He'll be there With Him your troubles, you can share If you live , the life you love You get the blessing from above
Wait Loss Log
1st Pound: Self 8th Pound: Fear
2nd Pound: Complaining and Blame 9th Pound: I Am Not
3rd Pound: Chaos 10th Pound: Timidity
4th Pound: Shame 11th Pound: I Don’t Know
5th Pound : Forsaken 12th Pound: Hopelessness
6th Pound: What do you have to lose 13th Pound: What is weighing you down
7th Pound: Jealousy 14th Pound: Frustration
15th Pound: DIS-belief
16th Pound: Running Away
17th Pound: Anxiety
18th Pound: Stumbling & Falling
19th Pound: Dark Clouds