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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day 8: Fearless


I have lived my life in fear.



~Being out of control



~the Unknown..


It paralyzes.

It steals away the joy of every blessing.

Fear Defined: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc. whether the threat is real or imagined.

What fear weighs you down?

Fear of ______________.

What about fear of yourself?

Sounds absurd...


Releasing fear's power begins with

Facing the face of fear

which is

Facing you


You are the creator of it!

Think about it.


False Evidence Appearing Real

So the better question is

Why are you afraid?


Whatever your answer

Are you ready to face it?


it is possible when you know "whose" you are

And face it with your Creator,

Who takes away the power of fear...

"The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again;

rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry,

“Abba, Father.”

Romans 8:15

Facing you fear with

Your Abba Father

Who loves you with a Perfect Love.


"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

I John 4:18

Oh how the Perfect Love of God,

Our Father,

is enough to have you face your fears.

You are able to trust Him with everything because of His great love for you.

A love that has promised you a life in eternity with Him.

God’s Perfect Love is not dependent on our love for ourselves or the love of others.

When someone perfectly loves you they want the best for you. They are for you..

If God is for you,

If God loves you, then

Walking in God’s Perfect Love enables you to release the weight of fear~

no matter how big or small it appears to be.

His Perfect Love for you...

~the you who He created

~the you who He calls a daughter or a son

~the you who He is with wherever you go

~ the you who He sent His Son

~the you…

who no longer has to wear a cloak of fear because you are cloaked in Christ.

Fear makes us run away and

Jesus came to lead you out..

So let's Fast from

Fear and

Face it


Taking the Hand of Jesus


Looking into His Face because

He "will hold you up with His victorious right hand"

Isaiah 41:10

Weight Loss Log

1st Pound: Self

2nd Pound: Complaining & Blame

3rd Pound: Chaos

4th Pound: Shame

5th Pound: Forsaken

6th Pound: ______________

7th Pound: Jealousy

8th Pound: Fear

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© 2016 by Joni Jones. Proudly created with

Be Waitless LLC

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