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Writer's picture: JoniJoni

Lent begins today.

As a child I dreaded when Lent began

because that meant that I had to give up something that I loved to eat.


But I changed the rules and instead gave up something that I didn't like...


Now that was easy, as I hated liver and it was never a choice at dinner,

so I was going to have a great Lent.

But who was I really fooling?


Oh how we play games with ourselves thinking that we are manipulating our way out of something, when we are only manipulating ourselves.

Lent, the 40 Day Journey to Easter...

when you then get to eat all the candy you want.

It is finished.

It is finished,

a 40 Day fast from something you love,

but then you get to indulge in it on Easter morning .

Now that never made sense to me, because I really never understood what was actually finished.

Three little words...three very powerful words.


Those words that complete a project.

Those words we love to say, when we have come to the end of a task,

a job, a trial....anything.

The End. It's over.

What are you waiting be finished?

What are you in the midst of, and all you think about is

"When will this be over?"

Rest is over.

It is completed,

because Jesus was the first to say these words and really mean them.

Everything has its beginning and its perfect ending in Christ.

He finished it all for us.

He came to take away all of our "when will this be over"

because He is right in the middle of them.

He sits with us

He cries with us

He walks with us

He doesn't leave our side

He finishes the sentence

He finishes the chapter

He ends the story....

perfect every time.

When we focus on Him, in the midst of our "waiting"

He takes our hand,

looks into our eyes

and speaks...

"It is finished. So let's walk through this together".

Walk with the One who wants to walk with you

so you can be at peace every step of the way

in the midst of all your unfinished business...

because everything is "finished" in Him

"In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This Cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm"

*Beginning March 7 come join us as we walk through the

40 Days before Easter to lose 40 pounds...

fasting from those things that really "weigh" you down.

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