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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Afraid to Love

How do you love someone if you won't let them love you?

Think about it.

Jesus asks Peter...

Do you love me?

Do you love me?

Do you love me?

Three times...He asks the same question.


He asks me and you...

Do you love Me?

Do you love Me?

Do you love Me?

I have to pause after the first one...

Do I love Jesus?

Sounds silly for me to even ask that question,


we know the immediate response is yes....

but do I really love Jesus


Am I afraid to love..


I am afraid to be loved?

You can't love me because you will let me down.

You can't love me because you will hurt me.

You can't love me because you will see the real me and the real me isn't allowed to be lovable.

Afraid to love Jesus...

Afraid to love Him... even though He will never let me down

Afraid to love Him... even though He loves me just as I am

Afraid to love Him... even though He gave up His life for me.

Afraid to love...

But He does love me...

He does love you...


Do you love Jesus?

Do you love Jesus?

Do you love Jesus?

Live as one loved by Jesus despite anything and everything....


He says..

I love you

I love you

I love you

And means it!

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