*I received a message this morning that spoke to me. The funny thing, is that it was something that I wrote some time ago, but it popped up this morning. May you be blessed with this reminder of truth, as there is nothing greater than His Truth.
At times I wonder what is taking God so long, as I am waiting on Him..
When at the same time God is actually waiting on me.
*Because of His GRACE...
He never forces me to follow Him or to choose Him…
He just waits for me to come to Him, as He will always be there for me.
*Because of His FORGIVENESS...
He never forces me to receive His free gift...
He just waits to cover me with His Son to restore me.
*Because of His MERCY…
He doesn't yell at me or condemn me..
He just waits for me to come to Him, just as I am,
so He can grab me in His arms,
so He can hug me with His unconditional love.
*Because of His SON...
He eagerly waits for the day when all His children are reunited together and feasting at
His table ...
Living happily ever after...
Forever and ever and ever...
So moment by moment,
I wait…
But with God…
with my eyes focused off of me and on Him….
*All because of His GRACE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, and His SON…
He has me in the palms of His hands,
always waiting to bestow blessing upon blessing upon me
as I seek Him first in all things.
May you meet God in whatever your "wait" may be…
"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
He rises to show you compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for Him!"
Isaiah 30:18