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Day Ten: What Do You Want?

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

As I begin my morning to sit with God,

to write Him a letter on my computer, (as this is how I start my time with God),

I immediately get distracted...

because there on my computer is the screen of my last visit…

Amazon Prime

Christmas shopping.

So I put God on hold, because I had no idea what I was going to write today.

It was so much easier to click on the lists of others and then push the button “deliver tomorrow”, and feel like I accomplished something…

Instead of going to God first…

Because for some reason I don’t believe that God has something to say to me today.

But, because of God’s grace, He will let me believe what I want to believe and He will even allow me to go to Amazon, again and again, to continue shopping...

But I still sit in angst...

Because I know that He does have something to say to me right now,

as He gently whispers to me

to come to Him,

to come sit with Him…

So I come, and I ask Him what I have been asking Him since December 1,

“So what does This Baby have to do with it all?”

And God answered me…And God answers you….

Because God first answered the cries of the world

in a way that made no sense for many…

He sent a baby.

It would have been much easier if God sent a man dressed in a purple robe

with a crown on His head,

standing 8 feet tall, casting a glow…

and with one word transforming the world back into the Perfect Garden that it once was...

Perfect Paradise for all to live.

Then all would have believed.

But instead, God sent a baby.

An innocent little Baby

Who had His first cry...

His first cry, His first breath, that changed the world...

A cry to answer all our cries.

God did have something to speak to my heart, in the wee early hours this morning…

and He waited...

And once I closed out Amazon and decided to write Him a letter filled with my cries…

He answered.

He waited…because He wanted to answer my letter to Him.

He delivered quicker than Prime…

He gave me all of Him, because I gave Him all of me.

And that my friends is the best gift I could ever receive.

So I ask you …

What do you want for Christmas?

Instead of a Dear Santa letter, write a Dear God letter…


He waits…He reads…He answers!

“It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that He exists and that He cares enough to respond to those who seek Him.”

(Hebrews 11:6 The Message)

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© 2016 by Joni Jones. Proudly created with

Be Waitless LLC

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