You hear the words,
and you think you are going crazy,
because there is no way that you could ever
BUT you hear the words again
& now you really think you are going crazy
because from what you see & feel
there is no way you would even try to take
the first step as all you can think about is
sinking deeper into despair.
BUT you hear the words again,
yet with more encouragement
because you don't have to do it yourself~
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27)
BUT you just don't hear them
as they take over your whole being
& you actually BELIEVE them.
So you put your pinky toe in the water
because what if HE doesn't mean what HE says.
But HE knows this about you as HE speaks again~
"You of little faith,” HE said,“why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)
And wow it all makes sense,
as doubt keeps us from walking on the water
whatever the water may be.
Oh the boats I had to walk out of,
BUT only when I first dressed myself with
COURAGE before I even felt I had it.
Doing It Afraid Despite The Fear
of the ONE who is telling us
Taking the plunge, yet not plunging into the deep waters
because HE means what HE says.
If I never got out of the boat how would I know that HE was walking with me?
If you never step out of the boat how will you ever know that you can?
Take that step that you may have been avoiding
to face a fear
that is keeping you shipwrecked on your own little island
HE is calling us to greater depths
yet doesn't leave us there alone~
"HE makes my feet like the feet of a deer; HE causes me to stand on the heights" (Psalm 18:33)
Let's continue to get of the boat
because HE is calling us to rise above the crashing waves
as HE created us to be
"DANCING ON THE WAVES" (listen to the song below)