You do it every morning,
even if you don't feel like it
because you know you need to do it every morning~
Brush your teeth!
And you know when you don't do it
and others know when you don't do it
if you don't
Brush your teeth.
You also want to do it every morning
as soon as the sun wakes you up,
but you wait for the perfect time
as you begin your day.
You know you never did it
and others know you never did it
because there is something missing
as you feel the effects
and others experience the vibe from you
because you didn't do it
when you know you need to do it,
but you think you can get by
and do it later.
And there HE IS.
HE sees you.
And HE patiently WAITS.
HE is so eager for you to see HIM
because HE has so much to say to you
and HE has so much to give you
because HE is so gracious
and has given you free will
HE lets you do what you are doing
even though HE so wants to get your attention.
But HE knows that you know
and for some reason you are ignoring HIM
because you know HE will always be there
and you will meet up with HIM
when the time is right~
but for right now
now isn't the time.
So instead you go through your day
giving your time to
anxiety, worry, despair
and then frustration and bitterness is invited to the party.
You are wondering why your day is getting harder,
yet you have no time to stop
even though you are gently nudged
as you hear the soft reminder
Oh you know,
but right now
STILLNESS has to wait
because you have too much to do.
But the gift of
still waits
& waits & waits
until you
get ready for bed,
as you do what you did the first thing
that you did when you woke up
brush your teeth
and then go into your bed
with your friends
anxiety, worry, despair
and make room for frustration and bitterness.
You then close your eyes
wondering why you can't sleep.
And then you hear the words again
and there HE IS.
HE STILL wants to be with you
because HE always wants to be with you
and is always available.
So you look up
and everything changes
as STILLNESS fills your soul
GOD was waiting
for you
to just look up~
and before you know you it
anxiety, worry, despair,
frustration & bitterness
are replaced
a PEACE that you can't explain
a HOPE that is like a wide open field of daisies
a JOY that is way better than just happy
you experience
a LOVE that never ceases
that waits & waits & waits
to envelope you
that is so
patient & kind & gentle
that asks no questions
because it is so filled with
that gently rocks you to sleep
because you took the time
that only took a moment to
look up
to the ONE
who is always waiting
just to be STILL with you.
So you buy a new toothbrush
GOD'S NAME written on it
so the next morning
when you wake up to
do what you do every morning
and go to do it
you let out a chuckle
as you pick up your toothbrush
and there is the gentle reminder
and you KNOW
and you take time right then and there
and do it NOW
and look up
because you
KNOW that being STILL with HIM is only way to have a
"GOOD MORNING" that will seep into your whole day.