Oh she is BOLD. Yet she is afraid.
Oh he is COURAGEOUS, yet he is weak.
Because they both take JESUS for HIS Word
as they embrace a trial
that has come into their life like a flying arrow.
Two different people who don't know each other,
yet they are facing the TRIAL arrow
that comes out of nowhere
yet infects life.
Do they want this trial? Oh no!
Do they have FEAR? Oh yes!
Do they love JESUS? Oh yes!
Do they follow JESUS? Oh yes!
despite the pain, the hurt, the unknowns of the diagnosis?
Oh yes,
with such REALNESS as they feel the pain of the trial,
yet choose to not do it alone.
So what do you do when
life HURTS, and you don't want it to HURT,
but you know that JESUS will be there for you
and that GOD will work "it" for good
and that HIS WILL WILL be done
despite the HURT?
You feel the HURT.
You acknowledge the pain
and then continue to
walk with JESUS who FEELS with you.
"When you are joyful, be joyful;
when you are sad, be sad.
If GOD has given you a sweet cup, don’t make it bitter;
and if HE has given you a bitter cup,
don’t try and make it sweet;
take things as they come" (Oswald Chambers)
GOD never wanted us to hurt,
but thanks to Adam & Eve who messed it up for all of us.
Oh I am glad I wasn't Eve.
Oh to carry that “oops” to the grave.
BUT GOD sent JESUS to reverse the "oops"
HURT is finished IN HIM,
because JESUS took the arrows of the punishment
that day in the garden.
The arrows that blew through HIS hands to hang HIM on the cross.
Oh the arrows keep coming as long as we are journeying through this life,
but knowing that as the arrows fly we don't have to carry the burden alone
when we jump into the HOLE~Y hands of JESUS
who coddles us like an injured bird and breathes life back into us.
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abandoned;
struck down, but not destroyed.
We always carry around in our body the death of JESUS
so that the life of JESUS
may also be revealed in our body" (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).
takes us beyond
the pain of pain
the hurt of hurt
the grief of grief
as THEY meet us right at the point of the arrow
with supernatural
PEACE that you could never create on your own
the moment
you make the choice
with your eyes peeled on
making HIM your ONLY OPTION
because that is who
"HE IS" (listen to the song below)