What do you WANT? What do you really WANT?
Is it "for this to happen" or "for that to happen"~
& that is when you will have everything that you ever WANTED?
But what if you never got "this" or you never got "that"?
We all have something that we WANT whether we think we WANT it or not.
But what if we have all that we
& we don't even know that we have it~
because what we have is all that we all really needed in the first place?
HE is here. HE is there. HE is everywhere you go.
You may not see HIM or hear HIM or touch HIM~
but HE IS.
But is HE someone that you really WANT
or just someone WHO you know that you NEED~
but you WANT more
because HE just isn't cutting it these days?
You want to walk on water, yet water is what you NEED.
All you see is the desert space & wonder if HE really is who HE says HE is~
"GOD is not human, that HE should lie, not a human being, that HE should change HIS mind. Does HE speak & then not act? Does HE promise & not fulfill?" (Numbers 23:19).
You want to talk to someone, but no one is there~
"...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).
You have been praying & praying & praying, yet there is no answer~
"For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways & MY thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).
As I write this, tears fill my being. I don't know why as I have nothing specific on my mind
as my fingers are just freely moving across the keyboard.
Is it that GOD is trying to tell me that
that HE is all that I WANT
because HE is all that I NEED.
I don't have to make HIM into something bigger than HE already is.
& if GOD knitted me together in my mother's womb
& if GOD knitted you together in your mother's womb
why WANT anything else because I am & you are who GOD WANTS!
This moment is all I have. This moment is all you have.
And what if this moment became the moment that you & I have been WAITING for
just because
HE is all we really WANT, because HE is all that we really NEED.
Oh YOU did it again GOD. YOU heard little ole me. YOU hear all who come to YOU.
YOU are all that I NEED, because you are all that I WANT.
How about you?
Do you WANT the ONE who WANTS you~
"There's no place YOU wouldn't go.
YOU'RE searching high and low
YOU leave THE 99 to lead me home"
("THE 99", listen below)