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Writer's picture: JoniJoni

Does GOD takes us to the end of ourselves

so that we can meet GOD like we have never met HIM before?

It appears that everything is falling apart,

but is everything really just fitting together like

GOD has always planned it to be?

You get to the end of yourself

but it is there where you find yourself~

the you who is so LOVED like you have never been LOVED before

that the end has become the beginning of something so beautiful.

You were never able to see it before

because you were getting in the way

of GOD drawing you oh so closer to HIM

because you haven't embraced

the process of

when GOD takes you to the end of yourself

so that HE can take hold of every part of you.

It feels lonely

as you feel as if you losing the battle,

yet you discover that you not alone at all


GOD has been there the whole time~

just waiting

just reaching

just asking

for you & for I & for everyone else to

climb up on HIS lap

and just be oh so still

so that what feels like a BREAKDOWN is really a BREAKTHROUGH

as you experience

LOVE like you have never felt it before



takes us to the end of ourselves

so that HE can meet us in those spaces & places that only

HIS LOVE can touch so deeply,

that pieces us back together


"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;

perplexed, but not in despair;

 persecuted, but not abandoned;

struck down, but not destroyed.

 We always carry around in our body the death of JESUS,

so that the life of JESUS may also be revealed in our body" (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)

Thank YOU LORD for taking us from


because it is in the Broken Spaces & Places

where you meet us right where we are

as it is

"HEAVEN COMING DOWN" (listen to the song below)




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