From the Bottle to the Cup
The sippy cup is given to the toddler in the chair~
Who looks with confusion because the bottle isn’t there.
The cry initiates a call to feed~
Then the toddler yelps "who will fill my need?".
His Little Hand reaches out and picks up the cup~
Pursing his lips on the lid and he drinks it all up.
Now a glass is given to the growing child~
Who accidentally spills it, which has become his style.
The child tries again and is able to take a drink~
No more nipples or lids is what he thinks.
From a babe to a toddler and now a grown up~
Nursed from the bottle to a cup.
Where did this cup come from?
The One who drank from it first~
The Baby in the manger
Who once was nursed.
He grew into a toddler and then into a man~
Who drank from the cup, which was His Father’s plan.
A sip that cost Him His life, a sacrifice He made~
“Let this cup pass from me”, was what He prayed.
But He drank it at His last supper, for you and for me~
Because of mercy and grace, this cup set us free.
From the cradle to the cross, the babe grew up~
The choice is now yours, from the bottle to the cup.
To fill it with the Water that will quench all your thirst~
With the One who came to drink from it first.
What is in your cup?
What do you go to first, to try
~to fill your unmet needs
~to numb your unmet needs
~to replace your unmet needs?
Whatever that may be
FAST from that today!
"but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.
Indeed, the water
I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 4:14
Weight Loss Log 1st Pound: SELF 2nd Pound: COMPLAINING & BLAME 3rd Pound: JEALOUSY 4th Pound: I AM NOT 5th Pound:____________ 6th Pound: Unwholesome Talk 7th Pound: Worry 8th Pound: Anxiety 9th Pound: Sick & Tired 10th Pound: Feelings 11th Pound: Surviving 12th Pound: _________
13th Pound: Doing Nothing
14th Pound: Un~Mattered
15th Pound: Until
16th Pound: DIS
17th Pound: Not
18th pound: The Past
19h Pound: Temporary
20th Pound: Simplify
21st Pound: Little Wants
22nd Pound: Thinking Less
23rd Pound: Ignoring
24th Pound: Nobody
25th Pound: Unbelief
26th Pound: Foolish