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  • Writer's pictureJoni

I Don't Usually Do This...

 I hate the words,

"I don't usually do this"

and then the person does it and it is a chain letter. Ugh!

Well I am now the person who is saying,

"I don't usually do this"

and I am going to do it,

but it isn't a chain letter. 

God is pushing my buttons,

or should I say that He is pushing me out of my comfort zone, 


"I don't usually do this". 

What is "this"~

Sharing a God opportunity that I am beyond blessed to be a part~

to be a co-author with 16 other women in a new book~

"The Breakthrough Effect".

What is "this"~

Giving you an opportunity to read the

Real Breakthrough Stories


A Breakthrough God. 

What is "this"~

That I feel like I am promoting me, but I am not. 

What is "this"~

This is

God's Story

that I have to share.

It isn't my story or the story of 16 other women,

because the stories you will read are about


who writes our stories that need to be shared. 

What is "this"~

It is about HIM~

A Him

that we all need to experience

and that we all need to share about,

so that everyone will know about

A Real God

who provides the

Real Breakthrough

we all need in the midst of our

Real Life Stories. 

What is "this"~

Come and read your copy of 

His Stories



Released on

November 26

Cyber-Monday on Amazon

(Click on image below beginning November 26 to purchase)

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