Amazing Grace
My chains are gone I've been set free (Chris Tomlin)
I don’t have to perform anymore
to be seen,
to be heard,
to be accepted,
He saw me,
He heard me,
He accepted me
the moment
He came to me
lifted me out of
the pit of shame,
from the pit of not good enough~
the moment
He saved me from myself.
I still can feel myself being
lifted out of the quicksand
that was sucking me down,
further away from who I was born to be,
into deeper into who I thought I should be~
a better version of Joni,
a more lovable version of Joni,
because I believed
that I was just not good enough.
But then God told me~ “‘I love you’ and ‘Come to Me’ as you are
so I can transform you into who you were born to be~
perfectly loved through Me.
Let’s go and walk through life
and I will show you how to live as
one beloved by Me,
because I
‘rejoice over you with singing and dancing’ (Zephaniah 3:17).
For I have created you,
you are My workmanship.
Now will you receive all who you were born to be~All Mine?” “ So I reached up and took the hand of the
whose hand was reaching down to me in the pit.
I didn't have to clean up my act,
He found me
just as I was,
He could wipe off the dirt,
wipe off the hurt,
wipe off the lies and the pain~
with His blood that set me free
the day I looked up because
He was looking at me the whole time,
while I was lost and searching.
I was found by the
who seeks the lost.
I am His Chosen.
Amazing Grace
how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
My chains are gone~
the imposters that I ran to,
to fill a deep void inside,
day in and day out~
every time I listened to the lie
that I was not good enough.
I was always enough in
His eyes.
So now I am more than enough,
because He is more enough
He sees me.
He hears me.
He accepts me,
All because I made
the Great Exchange
and traded in
My Rags for His Riches (
by Putting off Fear and Putting on Faith
Putting Off Doubt and Putting on Trust
Putting Off Rejection and Putting on Acceptance
Putting Off Bitterness and Putting on Forgiveness
Putting Off Lies and Putting on Truth
Putting Off the Old Self and Putting on the New Self
Putting Off Complaining and Putting on Contentment
Putting Off Lost and Putting on Found
A Daily Walk
A Moment by Moment walk
that can be
hard at times,
but is possible because
He walks with you & I
to remind us
It is only through Him
that we are set free.
Let's make today
a Day of Independence
by becoming
Dependant on the Only One
who holds the power
to set us free from whatever binds us.