Happy New Year~
Now what does that really mean?
I feel it puts so much pressure on yourself,
as it sets you up for failure.
Boy, I bet that isn't what you want to hear as you get ready to begin
But think about it~
Happy New Year~
Are you “happy” that the New Year is about to begin?
Are you happy you get to put behind 365 days and begin it all over again?
Are you happy to get another 365 days to~
still lose the weight,
start the exercise program,
write a list of new goals,
and break the same habit~
And then
what happens on February 1?
Do you still say
Happy New Year
Do you feel like a failure
because you weren't able to keep your New Year's Resolutions?
Hey, I am a pro at breaking resolutions,
that is why I don't make them.
I am unable to do anything on my own.
I can make lists about what I need to do
in order to live a perfect life, and to be a perfect person,
but they are impossible to keep.
We all want a
Happy New Year,
as no one plans an unhappy one.
No one writes a list of resolutions to fail.
Let's rewrite our
Happy New Year~
Happy New Moment
looking at each day as having
86,400 new beginnings,
as there are 86,400 seconds in a day,
Providing a
New Beginning
To Right a Wrong,
To Start Anew,
To Forgive,
To Turn the Page,
To Love,
To Laugh,
To Cry,
To __________________________ (you full in the blank)
This all sounds great,
yet it is hard to do unless
God is involved in every second.
Knowing that
is walking with us every second
is where the power lies in having
A New Beginning
A Happy New Moment
every second.
has to be the fuel behind my every step,
when I forget that and wander off the path,
is right there to pick me up,
and put me back on the right path to begin my "new".
So are you ready to walk into
with every second becoming an opportunity to be a
"Happy New Moment~
Living like there's no tomorrow?
Well it is a
because that was
"The Way You Were Made"
Listen & Watch...
Happy New Second!
Happy 31,536,000 New Seconds
to you and yours.
Come walk with me into the New Year,
beginning tomorrow, January 1st,
as we walk through our seconds
The Man
Once upon a time was born in a manger
so that
walk with you
this year
a year
that you
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:20