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Day 11: He said so

Writer's picture: JoniJoni

If Jesus said

I am the Bread of Life John 6:35


Who Am I?

I am Fully Satisfied

If Jesus said,

I am the Light of the world John 8:12


Who Am I?

I am no longer walking in the dark.

If Jesus said,

I am the Good Shepherd John 10:11


Who Am I?

I am cared for.

If Jesus said,

I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life John 11:25


Who Am I?

I am found.

If Jesus said,

I am the True Vine John 15:1


Who Am I?

I am connected.

If Jesus said

I am the Resurrection and the Life John 11:25


Who Am I?

I am alive...

But then

Jesus said,

Do you believe this? John 11:26

Do I

Do you

Believe all who Jesus said He is?

Like Father like Son~

as God said

Who He is~

I am who I am Exodus 3:14


Who Am I ?

Who Are you?

If we Eat His Bread

If we Follow His Light

If we Listen to His Voice

If we Abide in His Vine

If we Believe in the Great I Am

If we Believe in His Son


we know

Who we really are.

From Rags to Riches~

From just Knowing

To Receiving

To Believing

To Living


One Loved by

the One

Who said

I Am!


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