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  • Writer's pictureJoni

Day Fifteen: Labor Day

My daughter's "labor" day was turned into a "birth" day.

My precious daughter just experienced labor, as she was awaiting the delivery of her first baby.

The baby...

about to come in the life of my daughter and her husband…

through labor.

Labor: to grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief).

Why did my daughter push through her labor?

Well, besides not having a choice, as this baby was ready to come...

But because she was fixed on hope…on her baby.

This baby, a blessing beyond words,

that was birthed,

after labor...

the process of her becoming weary, tired , and exhausted.

And then she found rest.

The Baby Jesus,


so that we can come to Him as we labor.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

And HE...

WILL give us the greatest gift in the midst of our labor

His gift of Rest.

This promise of Jesus, wrapped up in the Gift of Christmas...

The Baby...

His gift of Rest…

“Jesus described His gift to His followers as rest for your soul. This unmatchable gift - both powerful and profound - should be considered the birthright of those who come to Jesus and are His followers.” (Guzik)

His gift of Rest ...

For all..

Who labor...

And He means...

All of us.

As we all grow weary and tired.

Do you need rest?

Where are you laboring?

What do you hope this labor will produce?

Will you allow Jesus to labor for you?

Come to Jesus

to be swaddled in

His Gift of Rest

So that

He will turn your

Labor Day

into a

Birth Day!

What are your thoughts & prayers?

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