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Dec 25, 2023
Day 25: He Is Here
"IT IS FINISHED!" Hmm. Weren't they JESUS' last words or were they really GOD'S words the moment JESUS made HIS first cry on the night HE...

Dec 24, 2023
Day 24: Twas The Night Before
'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE the day that would change the world~ that would change the hearts of all who came to experience the NEW BORN SON....

Dec 23, 2023
Day 23: Hollow Day
The needles of the CHRISTMAS tree are beginning to cover the floor. The ornaments are ready to fall off of the now weakened branches. The...

Dec 22, 2023
Day 22: The New Is Here
You hear the word BEHOLD and all your senses are caught at alert. BEHOLD~ Feast one's eyes. Comprehend. Experience. Participate. Sense....

Dec 21, 2023
Day 21: He Is Your Light
What does The SHINING CHRISTMAS BALL at the top of the tree possess that the NON~SHINING CHRSITMAS BALL beneath it doesn't? THE LIGHT!...

Dec 20, 2023
Day 20: God Answers
You ASK. GOD ANSWERS. Because  GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. But what if you have been praying the same prayer and you don't SEE GOD'S...

Dec 19, 2023
Day 19: Twists And Turns
Life is filled with TWISTS & TURNS that TWIST & TURN in directions that we never imagined~ yet are not a surprise to GOD. If GOD could...

Dec 18, 2023
Day 18: Love Never Dies
The QUIETNESSÂ of the morning wakes me up. THE STILLNESS is so beautifully pure, that there is no room for interruption. Because the space...

Dec 17, 2023
Day 17: Hallmarked
HALLMARK CHRISTMAS movies~ why do I watch them to the end, no matter how many twists & turns may happen throughout the story? Because I...

Dec 16, 2023
Day 16: Everlasting Light
Twinkle Twinkle Little Lights on the homes, the trees, and the wreaths. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that Twinkled in the sky on that one...
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