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Jan 11, 2023
Day 11: One Perfect Day
ONE DAY EVERYTHING will be like it was created to be~ PERFECT PARADISE in THE PERFECT GARDEN without a crafty little snake tempting an...

Oct 30, 2021
Day 30: Undoubt
Have you been UNLEASHED because you know & BELIEVE WHO JESUS IS? This MAN is our BURDEN carrier, who tells us to COME when we are weary....

Oct 29, 2021
Day 29: Try It
As I have been preparing for the UNLEASHED conference, I have been with me, myself, & I for way too long. I think I am way too familiar...

Oct 28, 2021
Day 28: God You Are
HE was always there even if you didn't know HE was there. GOD was in your PAST or you wouldn't be here~ as HE knitted you together in...

Oct 27, 2021
Day 27: Uncontrollable Control
I never realized what I used to do, until GOD UNLEASHED me from what I used to do~ CONTROL! I would try to CONTROL my life by doing all...

Oct 26, 2021
Day 26: Father's Love
Everyone has been a grandchild at one time as everyone has been a son or daughter as everyone has been born on purpose by our ABBA FATHER...

Oct 25, 2021
Day 25: Beyond Doubt
I became one of THEM. I didn't want to because THEY were too fanatical. I didn't want to be SEEN as one of THEM because THEY took JESUS...

Oct 24, 2021
Day 24: Wishes And Wants
I love dandelions. I love how they stand out among the green grass. But dandelions are a weed. I love when the dandelion is dead as it...

Oct 22, 2021
Day 22: Unchained
Let them fall. All of them. One at a time~ the CHAINS that bind you. The CHAINS of UN~FORGIVENESS~ Bitterness Condemnation & Shame. The...

Oct 21, 2021
Day 21: Just Because
Once Upon A Time you stop for a second and look over your life and you realize that GOD was always there even though you weren't always...
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